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What Are Compost Windrow Turners And How Can They Help You?

In order to produce a product that is top quality, compost must have proper moisture content, temperature, and oxygen concentration. Using equipment called compost windrow turners refreshes the oxygen concentration and makes the mixture consistent all through the material. These machines also help with temperature control, and sometimes help with the addition of moisture to your product. Finding the right windrow compost turners for your operation is essential.

Rotating drum windrow turner

This is the most common type of windrow turner and can turn windrows that are 1-2 meters high by 3-4 meters wide. They are built with a wide selection of equipment which includes solid flails (in an auger configuration) and augers. The flails draw material from the outside of the windrow while they lift compost material and throw it backward. The rotation rate of the drum can be measured variably from 150 to 800 rpm and speed, depending on the machine. Some rotating drum turners have nozzles attached to apply water to the compost while it is being turned. To prevent material from being thrown from the windrow, there is a protective shield connected to the rotating drum. This type of compost windrow turner can be either pulled or self-propelled. Pull-type are driven by a hydraulic motor or a tractor. If there is a breakdown, it is easy to remove the machine from the windrow. Many self-propelled models, like those with hydraulics, can move smoothly over a variety of terrains and are known for their reliability.

Consider these factors when buying a compost windrow turner

It can be difficult to choose a windrow turner because of the wide range of machines available on the market. Each model has different features based on the conditions under which it will be used. You can also get a custom made windrow turner for your specific operational needs. You can consider many features to help you purchase the best compost turning machine for your needs. These include horsepower, the processing system or turning mechanisms, the ability to adjust height, and how the turner will affect the quality of your product. Take into consideration the current industry trends as well. All composting operations are unique, so your equipment needs will be unique as well. Manufacturers of composting equipment are moving away from standardized equipment and toward custom built machines and leasing options. Be sure to ask about your options for buying compost windrow turners before making a purchase.

Compost windrow turners from SCARAB International

If you need a NewUsed, or Refurbished compost turner, contact the experts at SCARAB International today. Our machines are designed to be used for large, medium, and small composting projects. Call us today at (806) 883-7621 or Contact Us by email for more information about our products and how they can help your operations.